Welcome to Security & Policing 2022
Security & Policing, the official Government global security event, returns as a live event for its 40th anniversary between 15‐17 March 2022 at the Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre.
Hosted by the Home Office’s Joint Security & Resilience Centre (JSaRC), the official Government global security event will once again offer a world‐class opportunity to meet, network and discuss the latest advances in delivering national security and resilience with UK suppliers, UK Government officials and senior decision makers across law enforcement and security from the UK and overseas.
Once approved to attend Security & Policing, as well as being able to attend in person, you will be able to access Security & Policing Plus or Security & Policing+ which will complement the live event, giving you access to an exclusive programme of online on‐demand keynotes and content from the live event, the ability to identify networking opportunities and arrange in‐person or online meetings at the event.
Security & Policing 2022 remains a closed event with all visitors and exhibitors subject to Home Office approval.
The organisers are committed to creating a safe environment that is inclusive and free from discrimination. All participants and visitors must abide by the Code of Conduct.
Terms and Conditions
In response to COVID-19 we will be ensuring enhanced safety and sanitary measures are implemented throughout the event, in line with up-to-date Government and event guidance. Approved attendees will be required to adhere to all precautions and requirements set out by the organisers. Any specific COVID entrance requirements will be shared closer to the event.
The personal data you provide will be used to register you for the event and create an online profile in the secure Security & Policing online platform. By completing this registration form, you accept the securityandpolicing T&Cs for the event.
We would like to introduce you to other event attendees on the online platform who share your interests to aid with networking opportunities. If you consent, we will use your registration information and your online activity on the platform to identify other attendees with whom you may want to interact with.
If you ‘favourite’ an exhibitor profile or undertake a meeting with an exhibitor, your contact details will be available to this exhibitor. If you do not wish this to share your contact details – please DO NOT favourite or agree to meetings.
Yes, I understand that my information will be processed, stored and shared with the aforementioned parties in order to process my registration and I agree to the privacy policy
No, I do not want my information processed and shared with the aforementioned parties and understand I will not be registered.
Security & Policing, the official Government global security event, returns as a live event for its 40th anniversary between 15‐17 March 2022 at the Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre.
Hosted by the Home Office’s Joint Security & Resilience Centre (JSaRC), the official Government global security event will once again offer a world‐class opportunity to meet, network and discuss the latest advances in delivering national security and resilience with UK suppliers, UK Government officials and senior decision makers across law enforcement and security from the UK and overseas.
Once approved to attend Security & Policing, as well as being able to attend in person, you will be able to access Security & Policing Plus or Security & Policing+ which will complement the live event, giving you access to an exclusive programme of online on‐demand keynotes and content from the live event, the ability to identify networking opportunities and arrange in‐person or online meetings at the event.
Security & Policing 2022 remains a closed event with all visitors and exhibitors subject to Home Office approval.
The organisers are committed to creating a safe environment that is inclusive and free from discrimination. All participants and visitors must abide by the Code of Conduct.
Terms and Conditions
In response to COVID-19 we will be ensuring enhanced safety and sanitary measures are implemented throughout the event, in line with up-to-date Government and event guidance. Approved attendees will be required to adhere to all precautions and requirements set out by the organisers. Any specific COVID entrance requirements will be shared closer to the event.
The personal data you provide will be used to register you for the event and create an online profile in the secure Security & Policing online platform. By completing this registration form, you accept the securityandpolicing T&Cs for the event.
We would like to introduce you to other event attendees on the online platform who share your interests to aid with networking opportunities. If you consent, we will use your registration information and your online activity on the platform to identify other attendees with whom you may want to interact with.
If you ‘favourite’ an exhibitor profile or undertake a meeting with an exhibitor, your contact details will be available to this exhibitor. If you do not wish this to share your contact details – please DO NOT favourite or agree to meetings.
Yes, I understand that my information will be processed, stored and shared with the aforementioned parties in order to process my registration and I agree to the privacy policy
No, I do not want my information processed and shared with the aforementioned parties and understand I will not be registered.